Friday, July 15, 2016

Learn How To Hack!

If you would like to learn about computer hacking tricksthen I suggest you pick yourself up a hacking book, or browse YouTube. There are so many hacking tutorials out there the internet.

If you learn how to hack, then you will understand how to safeguard your information better. The other day I got a text message from my bank saying that I was hacked into. If only new how they were doing it, then I would be fully prepared to stop this attack. Always learn how to hack. It can’t hurt.

I would personally like to see a world community of people who know and understand technology. It is relevant in our world today! 

I would just like to add this. Some of the best hacking is the most simplistic. You can use stuff like social engineering, brute force attacks, DDoS attacks, and scripting your own viruses. Although I don’t recommend doing any of this, it is still good to know how to do.Again if you learn all these hacking methods, then you will be better prepared for a hacking attack. You will know how to defend yourself. Most hackers want to either embarrass you or take something from you. Human nature does not change even in cyber space.

Go ahead   and surf the web for a bit. If you type into a search engine such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing, then type the word hacking tutorials then you should be good to go. I promise there will be so much material that will teach you how to hack computers.

I strongly advise though that once you learn that you should be very carful in how you conduct your new skill. They can be dangerous, and you can even land a spot in prison. So in other words be good, smart, and safe!